Edens recent song release, enjoy:
"You not nice to me, you not nice to me.
You are a Tigar not nice to me.
A birdy eat me and my hair blows.
1234, I don't think, I don't think.
I will, I did, my toes are ice.
The police officer gave me a stickerererererer.
JUMMMMPPPP higher like aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr.
I hurt I hurt. Her nice her nice. I saw a nice Tigar.
I went and then a lion eat me...eat eat eat my food. I not eat it.
I say no nom I say no no.
I spit it out."
Definitely Raggae....definitely. Shows a down-to-earth grasp of life's essentials....what to eat, what NOT to eat. All very raggae. Love it!!
G'pa Steve
I would say that is beautiful already. Honestly. I really loved it!
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